
YourManInIndia - Outsourcing

YourManInIndia - Outsourcing
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YourManInIndia is a venture from the
76 year old TTK group in India, that caters to every conceivable
service need of the vast and growing population of Non-Resident Indians. We
offer all kinds of essential services in India. Services include health
care for dependants, certificates from india, real estate services,
travel, ticketing, travel insurance, health insurance, bank related work,
property management services, gifting to india, gifts from india, home
assistance, export indian items, religious and pilgrimage services,
puja and darshan, money transfer services, legal services, postal mail
services, investment and finance, entertainment, party planning,
educational assistance, relocation services, charity, postal mail to india and
many more.
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29.03.2009 - 15:54:18