
Yahoo - Stock Screener: Stock Research Center

Yahoo - Stock Screener: Stock Research Center
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Yahoo Finance - Create your own stock screener or use an existing one:

- Undervalued Growth Stocks - Stocks with earnings growth rates better than 25% and relatively low PE and PEG ratios.
- Growth Technology Stocks - Technology stocks with revenue and earnings growth in excess of 25%.
- Day Gainers - Stocks ordered in descending order by price percent change with respect to the previous close.
- Day Losers - Stocks ordered in ascending order by price percent change with respect to the previous close.
- Undervalued Large Caps - Large cap stocks that are potentially undervalued.
- Aggressive Small Caps - Small cap stocks with earnings growth rates better than 25%.
- Small cap gainers - Small Caps with a 1 day price change of 5.0% or more.
- Most Actives - Stocks ordered in descending order by intraday trade volume.
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