Listen And Learn
radio-shows, podcasts and audiobooks for English learners...
Since 1959, VOA has broadcast news and feature stories in clear and simple English for people whose native language is not English. Read our scripts and download the matching audio or find out more about our shows. Only 1500 words of vocabulary are used and 2/3 the normal speed.
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Voices - The way we speak in the UK today.
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Listen to accents of different types from around the country... |
1Xtra - home of new black music on the BBC. TX is all our news, showbiz and sports stories tailor made for you. Check out our documentaries homepage and listen to audio documentaries for free! Coll stuff!
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Every week a new episode to listen to! Just a Short Part every week. Good to learn different dialects and how to stress correctly.
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Letzter Beitrag hinzugefügt am: 10.07.2016 - 07:24:43
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Letzter Beitrag hinzugefügt am: 10.07.2016 - 07:24:43